Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cleveland's good nature

Last week I had a meeting in Chagrin Falls and was amazed at all that I have forgotten about NEO. We take for granted and rarely give the credit to all the wonders of our area. I can drive 5 miles down the street and be at the lake. When was the last time you went to the lake to watch the sunset or rise? It is beautiful. The lake might not be the best swimming water, but there are other things you can do. At Mentor Headlands you can grill, there's a playground for kids or you can relax and read a book and not be tempted to do a load of laundry.

If you would prefer not to be by the water, the Metropark System is unbelievable. I was in awe of the beauty driving to Chagrin last week. I remembered as a little girl my grammie taking me to feed the ducks at Strawberry pond. Next time the kids ask if we can do something I won't say I don't have the time or the money, I'll take the opportunity to create a memory and enjoy NEO.

The great thing about the Lake and the Metroparks is that it's not an Eastside or Westside thing, you can enjoy either from both sides of town.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good News Comes from Helping Others

Negative news continues to dominate, however, it's not difficult to find good news. The last few weeks I have come across several examples of people pitching in to make a difference. Here are a few examples of what I've found. I would love to hear a story you know about people helping people.

iPRADCO donating self-assessment testing to Breaking the Cycle -
iPRADCO has a product line of assessments designed to assist job seekers stand out and employers find the right candidate. Breaking the Cycle is a nonprofit that assists ex-offenders transition from incarceration to self-sufficiency. These assessments, based on a behaviorally based index, allow the ex-offenders to offer a prospective employer a glimpse of their strengths. If you are interested in helping out, Breaking the Cycle is hosting a job fair on August 20, 2009 at the U.A.W. Union Hall in Parma. Please contact Mike Jones for more information at (216) 799-8867. Information on the iPRADCO assessments can be found at

Ohio Department of Development unveiled the Ohio Ambassador Program -
This new program is designed to help Ohioans share what they love about living and working in Ohio. Whether it is through conversations with friends from out of state or in discussions with business partners across the world, Ohio Ambassadors will share why Ohio is the "state of perfect balance." For more information visit

EfficientGovNow Names Nine Project Finalists
The EfficientGovNow program, presented by the Fund for Our Economic Future as part of the ANEO Choice Awards, aims to accelerate government collaboration and efficiency by providing as much as $300,000 in funding to as many as three collaborative government projects from throughout Northeast Ohio. For more information visit

Fidelity Voice and Data offers Co-location Grant Program -
Fidelity Voice and Data understands what it takes to start a technology based business having done so themselves right here in Cleveland over 10 years ago. We believe Cleveland is a tremendous place and home to a great deal of talented technology companies that are doing very interesting things. They will be selecting 5 start up ventures less than one year old, having less than $250,000.00 in annual revenues and headquartered in Ohio to utilize space in our world class co-location center in downtown Cleveland.
For more information visit